The Children’s book『 A million years since then 』Tomoko Toyota
This is the first creative children’s book I have create. A new facing section and colophon were added to the one produced in 2020 and are available here.
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silentbook 『 vibrazioni e onda 』は、“ Silentbookcontest 2022”に向けてつくった絵本です。イタリアのカルトゥージア・エディツィオーニ社を主として、ムラッツォ市やボローニャ国際児童図書展などのイタリアの機関からなるコンテストだったため、タイトルはイタリア語表記にしました。
This is a children’s book created for Silentbookcontest 2022. The title was written in Italian because the contest was organised by the Italian company Curthusia Edizioni and other Italian institutions such as the Municipality of Mulazzo and The Children’s Book Fair in Bologna.
The public call for entries stipulated , but a new door page has been added for publication here.
The literal translation of the Italian title is ‘ Vibrations and Waves ‘. This is a children’s book without words, so it can be read in different ways by different readers. I would be happy if you can think of various things and let your imagination run wild. I won’t say too much here, but I have drawn what I want to treasure because of my experience of the COVID-19. With a prayer.