

1979年、島根県益田市生まれ / 大阪在住







現在、絵本を中心に、絵画や童話、作詩などを創作。コロナ禍に何かできないかとはじめた “ やっほーともちゃん ” での月1回創作ライブ配信や、Youtubeにて『 耳で聴く 』読み聞かせ・『 一緒にしよう! しんこきゅう 』動画なども配信している。









【 経歴 】














【 受賞 】

2022年3月、ボローニャ国際児童図書展 “The Children-Spectators” イラストレーター公募展入選


【 過去の展示 】

2014年1月25日〜2月16日、個展「ぶっきっちょな家」at. 居留守文庫(大阪)

2021年11月2日〜7日、いろいろといろ『 おわりのないものがたり展 』グループ展に参加 at. Gallery Vie(神戸)

2022年11月22日〜27日、いろいろといろ『 目を閉じれば広がる世界 』グループ展に参加 at. Gallery Vie(神戸)

2023年8月30日〜10月1日、個展『 わたしはとんでゆく 』 at. レティシア書房(京都),本のお店 スタントン(大阪)

【 学び 】

2018年11月~2019年4月、心斎橋大学 < 児童文学コース(秋期)修了 >


2021年6月〜10月(8月休学)、大阪アートスクール 美術科コース 受講


Tomoko Toyota 

Creator , Illustrator

Born in 1979 in Masuda City, Shimane Prefecture / Live and work in Osaka

B.A. in Economics, Ritsumeikan University

After starting work, I was shocked by the first play I saw at a small theater, and began frequenting small theaters.

One day about a year later, I had a desire to perform on stage, and through a chance encounter with people, I made my first stage appearance in a skit story.

For about 15 years, I have participated in comedy, physical performance, performing arts, contemporary drama, dance, and Rakugo performance.

As I worked with children in my work, my desire to create Children’s Books grew, and I began creating Children’s Books in 2019.

Currently, I am engaged in creative activities such as painting and writing poetry, with main focus creating Children’s Books.

The “The warmth like light” and “what’s this?” and ”something surprising and interesting”

I hope to create something new.


I am you. You are me.

I am the universe. The universe is me.

All is one.

Love is everything.

【 Work experience 】
✴︎ Child-related
(nursery school work, communication teacher [drama teacher/sub-teacher] at elementary schools and support schools in Osaka and Kyoto Prefectures, instructor at child development support classes (individual medical care), production of parent-child events and picture story shows in the field of animal damage control (creation/painting of “Inochino-megumi”).

✴︎ Instructor (thread hanging mandala workshops

✴︎ Practitioner (non-medicated hair growth and massage)

✴︎ Attendant (Director of Journey Management)
✴︎ Cleaner (building maintenance)
✴︎ Restaurant service (Japanese izakaya, French restaurants)
✴︎ Clerks (water supply companies, land and house surveys)
✴︎ Telephone operators (consumer credit [reminder, sales promotion])
✴︎ Advertisement production (writing, planning, new business, illustration, design)


I have worked in a variety of jobs so far, including full-time, temporary, contract, part-time, part-time and private business.



【 Award 】

March, 2022 , THE BOLONGA CHILDREN’S BOOK FAIR Exhibition 2022 was selected as illustrators “The Children-Spectators”


【 Past Exhibitions 】

January 25 – February 16, 2014 , solo exhibition “Bukkicho na ie” at Irusu-bunko (Osaka)

November 2-7, 2021, iroirotoiro “Endless Stories Exhibition Participated” in a group exhibition at Gallery Vie (Motomachi, Kobe)

22-27 Nov 2022, iroirotoiro “Close Your Eyes and the World Will Expand” in a group Exhibition at Gallery Vie (Kobe)

30 Aug – 1 Oct 2023, solo exhibition “‘Watashi ha Tonde yuku” at Leticia-Shobou (Kyoto), Hon-no-omise Stanton (Osaka)

【 Learning 】

November , 2018 – April , 2019 , Shinsaibashi-daigaku <Completion of Children’s Literature Course (Fall) >

June , 2019 – July , 2020 , Completed the 16th term of kaiwa-Juku , Children’s Books Waku-waku Course

June – September , 2021 (leave of absence in August) , Osaka Art School , Fine Arts Course taking lectures